About Us
We are professionals working closely together with master degree graduates from Cambridge University – Department of Veterinary Science. All of us are pet enthusiasts and many of us own variety of pets from dogs, cats, rats and parrots to snakes, spiders, hamsters and rabbits.
PetFoodReviews.online was created for the purpose of helping you in finding the best food for your pets available on today’s market. Over the years we gathered a lot of valuable experience and want to share it with the world.
You are probably wondering how this site came up to surface? Well, it’s a sad story with a happy ending.
Our a dog was often getting sick. It came to a point where she was was very weak and we and our kids were really terrified that we might lose her. It was strange, because she was in a bad state one day and was getting much better the next.
We visited vet and were told to make sure she eats nutrient and vitamin rich food. The vet actually advised to test a few products, that he recommended. We immediately switched her diet from the food we were normally feeding her with, and, to our surprise, she gradually started getting better, while her frequent sickness was becoming less and less often.
It wasn’t until a year ago, when we decided to create a website in order to help other families and pet lovers to find the healthiest diet for their furry little ones.
We hope you will find our site useful and full of valuable tips, and that your pets will be as content and excited about life as our doggo is now.